Sunday, March 14, 2010

Even the Out-Of-Shape Can go Bicycle Touring

Many people have longed to go for a bicycle tour... of the United States, England, or some country in Europe, but given up that dream because they simply were not in good enough physical condition to do so ... the though of having to bike up a long, steep hill stopped them in their tracks.

Well, with the advent of the electric bicycle, that no longer needs to be a concern. An electric bicycle - depending on the type you get - allows the rider to pedal it like a normal bicycle for most of the ride, and then just press a button to start the motor when a hill manifests itself.

So there's no reason anymore (well, except that of price!) why people can't get on their bikes and go riding around the country.

(Of course, safety is an issue. Many drivers continue to treat bicyclists as if they have no right to the road, when of course they do, and accidents do happen. Worse than that, even when it's clear the driver was at fault, he or she very frequently is not punished at all... there seems to be a tacit agreement that any accident between a car and a bike is de facto the bicyclists fault because he or she had no business being on the road.

So activism in that area needs to continue.

But accidents can happen anywhere at any time, and now that the ebike revolution has bicycle tourng in the reach of so many people, why not do some research and plan a trip...and then take that trip?

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