Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Carribean Adventure With Sesame Street

Beaches Resorts make an excellent vacation, whether it is just an individual wanting to go scuba diving or ride a catamaran, or a couple wishing to relax in the sun, or a whole family with activities for both kids and adults.

For kids in particular, Beaches features the Sesame Street characters.

Indeed, there is a "non-stop agenda" for kids. Here's the details from their website:

Story Time with Elmo
Listen to master storyteller weave a spellbinding Caribbean or Sesame Street tale which is followed by an appearance by Elmo who'll interact with the children.

Bake with Cookie Monster
Kids will have a great time mixing cookie batter to be baked by kitchen staff. Cookie Monster will stop by to visit the kids and, of course, enjoy fresh cookies from the oven.

Make Music with Bert & Ernie
Kids will have a memorable time learning to make music. After the kids practice their musical talents, Bert and Ernie will visit the kids for fun and learning.

Dance with Zoe
Join in the fun of learning ring games, line dancing and ribbon dancing. Zoe will make a guest appearance to see the latest steps kids have mastered.

Explore with Grover
Kids can join in on nature walks and scavenger hunts, and learn about plants, rocks and nature. Grover will see what the kids have collected and enjoy all the fun.

Discover Magical Treasures with Abby Cadabby
After kids guess from clues to find Abby Cadabby's magical treasure chest, they get to make one of the their own.

Sesame Street Stage Shows
All the same characters that you enjoyed as a child come together, on stage, to entertain a whole new generation of Sesame Street fans.

So if you and your spouse would like a vacation that both you and your kids of all ages can enjoy, check out Beaches Resorts.

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